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'Electrical' library in OMEdit in Ubuntu 12.04

'Electrical' library in OMEdit in Ubuntu 12.04


I am relatively new to OM. I have a few queries regarding 'Electrical' library in OMEdit (in Ubuntu 12.04)

1.  What is the default model library used for Electrical components in OMEdit? Is it Spice 1?
2.  How do you change the resolution of simulation stop time, say I need to type 1e-6?
3.  Some of the OMEdit functions in windows are not available in linux version eg. interactive simulation, options to plot, resolution of simulation stop time. How can we incorporate this?
4.  I get errors of the type:
     Translation    13:07:18        0:0-0:0    Duplicate modification of element  {start  =(untyped) 0.0}  and final  =              (typed)0.0 DAE.PROP(Real(start=0.0, quantity="InversePotential", unit="1/V"), C_CONST), value: 0.0 on                    component m_lambda.   - What could be the issue?   
5.  I would want to run a few examples given in OMEdit as it is without any (simulation) inputs from my side. This will  help me in learning more about how to create and simulate. Currently it asks for simulation inputs.
     stdout | warning | DDASSL had repeated error test failures on the last attempted step.
    - This error comes at times. Why does this happen? This happens when I use SPICE3 library. How can I prevent  this from happening?


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