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Is there any backend for GPU available?

Is there any backend for GPU available?


We are currently considering playing around Modelica parallelization with GPU.  From the Modelica workshop this year, we learnt that there probably is a prototype of OpenModelica backend for GPU.  Is it possible to  get the backend anywhere?  It does not not if the backend is still in experimental stage or does not work on all benchmarks.  We need some preliminary code generation for our purpose.

Thanks a lot,

Re: Is there any backend for GPU available?

Hi Yun,

I implemented a code generator for OMC that generates CUDA code for my masters thesis, but it is very experimental and limited in what it can do. It has also not been updated in over a year, and I doubt that it even compiles now. You can check it out from our SVN with


svn co

if you wish.

For something a bit more recent you should contact Kristian Stavåker, a PHD student here at PELAB that is currently working on a new CUDA backend for OMC. I'm not sure how far he has gotten yet, but you can contact him via e-mail at kristian.stavaker at

Re: Is there any backend for GPU available?


I have downloaded open Modelica and it works well for the examples in the library. but when i try to run my own model it is not working well. I couldnt find the parameter values that i put in the parameter section of the component in the programming part. i dont think that i should manually define all the values in the program. Could you please give me a clue

with regards

Re: Is there any backend for GPU available?


This was  a bug that was fixed recently and it will be present in the next nightly build.
I'll try to make a build available this week.

Adrian Pop/

Re: Is there any backend for GPU available?


The above mentioned branch "" has been closed. Is there any alternative/updated branch making use of GPU capabilities?


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