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Interactive Simulation missing in 1.9.0?

Interactive Simulation missing in 1.9.0?


I've been playing around with OpenModelica for the past few days and wanted to use the interactive simulation. Per the user guide I looked for it in the Simulation menu.

However, only Simulate, Instantiate, and  Check Model were available.

I'm using OMEdit 1.9.0 beta4 r15030 on Windows 8 64-bit.

In case it's needed here is the model


model Lorenz
  Real x(start = 1);
  Real y(start = 1);
  Real z(start = 1);
  parameter Real b = 3;
  parameter Real r = 20;
  parameter Real s = 10;
  annotation(experiment(StartTime = 0.0, StopTime = 25.0, Tolerance = 0.000001));
  der(x) = s * (y - x);
  der(y) = x * (r - z) - y;
  der(z) = x * y - b * z;
end Lorenz;

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Interactive Simulation missing in 1.9.0?

Interactive simulation is currently not available. It will be back again soon but I can't tell you exactly when.


Re: Interactive Simulation missing in 1.9.0?

Well that explains why I can't find it.


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