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Real variables
Real variables
Hello at all,
i'm currently at testing a openModelica model development tool OMEdit and if I try to write a simple model like this
model testModel "Test my model"
Real y;
Real x;
x = time;
der(y) = x;
end testModel ;
I can see in the diagramm view mode red square with a red cross. Can someone explain me what I do wrong?
Re: Real variables
It seems like you are using the release version of openmodelica.
The red boxes indicates your variables which doesn't have any placement annotation defined.
The latest source doesn't draw red boxes for real variabels. You can download and install the latest nightly build https://build.openmodelica.org/omc/buil … ly-builds/
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: Real variables
Hi Adeel
thanks for your answer and it was helpful.
I've a another question about connectors. I create my own source, sink and a volume models. The volume model contains two simple connectors. They have only two variables m_flow and T. I create my models so, that all of input flow variables should be positive and all output flow variables negative (it's mean m_flow). If I simulate my testmodel I expect, that negative m_flow from sourceconnector should be positive in the input connector of my volume model. In the simulation with OM it's wrong, both variables are negative. If I test it with dymola it works well. Do you have any idea?
Best regards
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