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(Stand-Alone) QSS-Solver in OpenModelica

(Stand-Alone) QSS-Solver in OpenModelica

Hello Everybody,

I read in "Simulating Modelica models with a Stand-Alone Quantized State Systems Solver" (F. Bergero, X. Floros, J. Fernández, E. Kofman, F. Cellier) about an extension of the OpenModelica Compiler that translates regular Modelica models into so called "Micro-Modelica" that can be understood by stand-alone QSS-Solvers.
I am working at an research institue and we have a huge and complex model that the current release of OpenModelica can not handle (the solver crashes). Since the compilation does work, I want to try out the way mentioned in the paper above.

I was wondering 1.) if this extension (to translate to Micro-Modelica) is part of current available OpenModelica and 2.) about the general capability of OpenModelica regarding the usage of QSS-Solvers, since they promise a reduction in integration time.

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