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Error after installing nightly build

Error after installing nightly build

After the installation of the actual nightly build version from yesterday (20.06.) and today (21.06.) I get an error when I'll start OMEdit.exe with the operating System Windows XP. "Die Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil qwt.dll nicht gefunden wurde. Neuinstallation könnte das Problem beheben." --> "The application can not started, because qwt.dll wasn't found. Reinstalling could solve this problem."

Is this a Problem of the nightly build or of my System? - How can I solve this problem. I only found a file qwt5.dll in the bin directory. - The official Version 1.9.0 beta 4 is running on my System.

Re: Error after installing nightly build

The required dll was missing in the installer. I have added it now. The next nightly build will work fine.


Re: Error after installing nightly build

okay, thank you very much

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