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How to choose what data appear in output files

How to choose what data appear in output files


I have a model with many variables but few of them interest me. How can we choose the output variables that appear in the output file?
I use Excel for post-processing my data and I have more than 26 * 26 output variables. So they do not fit between the columns AA and ZZ.

Re: How to choose what data appear in output files

You can choose output variables using regex.

Either use for example:



Or use the output tab to select output variables in OMEdit.

Re: How to choose what data appear in output files

sorry to revive the topic, but I do not understand what to put between "" after variableFilter. I tried putting the variable names but whatever I put modelica creates an output file with only some variables, but not the ones that I want.
In your example torque.tau is the variables named tau in a component named torque ?

Re: How to choose what data appear in output files

The single variable named tau. Anyway, it's a regular expression so you can use things like ".*"

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