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Error Loading Package

Error Loading Package

I have added the Package ATplus (after conversion to UTF-8) into my "lib\omlibrary" path. Then I add this package via Tools->Options->Libraries to OMEdit.  After restarting OMEdit I got the error message:

Scripting    "Faild to load package ATplus (default) using MODELICAPATH C:/OpenModelica1.9.0/lib/omlibrary."
Grammar  "Expected the package to have within ATplus; but got within ;"

What is the problem? Is there a guide how to install third-party-libraries into OMEdit.

Re: Error Loading Package

It is a Modelica 1.x library if it does not contain the appropriate within-clauses at the top of every Modelica file. You need to use +std=1.x to load it. But since OMEdit can only handle Modelica3-style annotations you will not see the icons or diagrams if you do.

But there must be more problems with the library - it is in such a bad shape I put it on my github-ignore list. Probably has mo-files that do not match the classname inside the file.

The github issue tracker has also been disabled for, but if you convince webmaster at to open a development branch I could probably make the necessary changes to make the library parse.

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