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update fails in debian squeeze

update fails in debian squeeze


the update with synaptic yields the following error msg:
E: /var/cache/apt/archives/omlib-modelica-2.2.2_6200-p2-1_all.deb: Versuch, »/usr/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 2.2.2/help/Documentation/« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket omlibrary-msl222 15755-1 ist

which translates to English into somewhat like:

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/omlib-modelica-2.2.2_6200-p2-1_all.deb: Try to overwrite, »/usr/lib/omlibrary/Modelica 2.2.2/help/Documentation/« which is also in package omlibrary-msl222 15755-1


Edited by: alberich - Apr-20-13 22:24:03

Re: update fails in debian squeeze

apt-get remove omlibrary-msl222. There is a breaks property missing for msl222. You can also probably apt-get update and try again as I updated the package.

Re: update fails in debian squeeze

thank you for the quick help.

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