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OMEdit nightly on Ubuntu 12.04, 32 bit does not launch - SOLVED -

OMEdit nightly on Ubuntu 12.04, 32 bit does not launch - SOLVED -


I tried to install the nightly build on Ubuntu 12.04, 32 bits. I use the following apt source:
deb precise nightly

OMShell etc is working:
Connected to OpenModelica 1.8.0 (r10967)

but OMEdit is not launching. I get the error message:
Unable to find OMEdit server, Object reference file /tmp/openmodelica.ufechner.objid.OMEdit10ffd3c241ae2ec31a136527985961153900000021510143222419662 not created.

Any idea how to fix that?

Best regards:

Uwe Fechner, TU Delft

Edited by: ufechner - Apr-06-13 23:41:09

Re: OMEdit nightly on Ubuntu 12.04, 32 bit does not launch - SOLVED -


I just upgrade to 1.9.0 beta4+dev (r15750), and the problem is gone.

Thank's for the good work! current/smile


Uwe Fechner

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