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OMShell-terminal session

OMShell-terminal session


I'm currently trying out the Modelica Development Tooling (MDT) Eclipse Plug-In, the MDT console offers direct communication within your session.
I'd like to start a OMShell-terminal within a terminal (bash) in eclipse. How do I force this newly started OMShell-terminal to act on the same session as the session started by eclipse?

- omc process started by eclipse: /opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/omc +c=mdt +d=interactiveCorba +g=MetaModelica
- OPENMODELICAHOME=/opt/openmodelica1.9.0
- RMLHOME=/usr/local
- the server started: tcp6  0 :::42381 LISTEN 6363/omc

From help, I know that there's an omc option:  +c, +corbaSessionName      (Sets the name of the corba session if +d=interactiveCorba is used.)
and that there's a OMShell-terminal option:  -corba  (use  CORBA  communication  interface  between the client application OMShell-terminal and the Compiler/Interpreter server omc.)

But I don't know how to use all this information to link a new OMShell-terminal to listen and communicate with the existing server.
I've tried:
$ /opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/OMShell-terminal -corba=mdt => new server started
$ /opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/OMShell-terminal -corba -noserv => terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::BAD_PARAM'
$ /opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/OMShell-terminal -corba=mdt -noserv =>Error connecting to omc server in interactive mode. : Connection refused

Do I need to specify port someway or another, can't find anything in documentation/man pages.

edit: extra info when starting eclipse:
Dumped Corba IOR in file: /tmp/openmodelica.dieter-ve.objid.mdt
Started the Corba ORB thread with id: 139788831213312

kind regards,

Edited by: dieter-ve - Mar-03-13 21:49:58

Re: OMShell-terminal session


without corba I'm able to connect to an existing server:
$/opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/omc +d=interactive
$/opt/openmodelica1.9.0/bin/OMShell-terminal -noserv

But openmodelica mdt requires an omc server +d=interactiveCorba, so this doesn't solve the problem...


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