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error while installing on Debian Squeeze

error while installing on Debian Squeeze


I added the following line in my apt sources.list
       deb squeeze stable
I got and installed the secure key
But after the update when I want to install openmodelica I get an error.
       checksum hash inconsistent
The installation failed
Am I missing something ?
Thank you in advance for your answers

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

Try sudo apt-get update again and then try to install it. I just checked squeeze/stable and it installed fine.

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

I did it but I got the same message.
My Linux box is an amd64 architecture, is the openmodelica package only for 32 bit architecture ?

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

No, it's for 32 and 64-bit. And I tested it on 64-bit. Although I use Ubuntu myself, I tested the squeeze target...

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

OK, I started up a virtual machine (had a 32-bit squeeze here at home). And yes, it seems to complain about a hash mismatch. I'll see what I can do.

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

I cleared the apt-ftparchive cache and now it seems to work again.

Re: error while installing on Debian Squeeze

Thank you very much, it works !

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