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Thermodynamics example in the "Principles of object ... MODELICA 2.1"

Thermodynamics example in the "Principles of object ... MODELICA 2.1"


I' using version 1.9.0 beta 2.

I'm implementing the example Thermodynamics - an air filled control volume with subsystems (paragraph 15.2) from the book of Peter Fritzson. Things work-out oke.

But from paragraph ' System and Valve Model with interfaces and Externally controlled flow' I get warnings and errors that I cannot solve. The model that started giving trouble is 'CtrlFlowSystem'.  I assume that 'ControlledFlowModel' should be 'ControlledValveFlow' but I get singular system errors and warning on unbalanced connector.

Did any of you implemented this example and did you have the same trouble? How did you solve it?

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