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FMI Export in 1.9 broken

FMI Export in 1.9 broken

Hi all,
since update from 1.8.1 to 1.9 r13381 the FMI Export seems to be broken. The generated FMU is not usable in the SDK [1] and the FMU.Checker [2] complains:

[ERROR][FMUCHK] FMU does not make an internal copy of provided instance name (violation of fmiString handling)
    [FMU][log][FMU status:OK] fmiSetTime: time=0
    [FMU][log][FMU status:OK] fmiInitialize: toleranceControlled=0 relativeTolerance=1e-06
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

The error occurs in Linux64 and Win64, but not with OM versions <=1.8.1
Thanks for help,
[1] … ce-Checker

edit: fixed the XML issue by editing the FMUChecker, but the Segfault after fmiInitialize is still there

Edited by: richti83 - Oct-16-12 10:38:21

Re: FMI Export in 1.9 broken

Just wondering if there is an update regarding this issue, I too have been having similar problems???

Re: FMI Export in 1.9 broken

I filled a bugreport here:

I think something has changed in the order the helper-functions are called because inside of eqFunction_16()
data->simulationInfo.nonlinearSystemData[0].nlsx[0] seems to be not defined but the function itself looks like the one in 1.8.1 where the exported FMU is working.

Re: FMI Export in 1.9 broken

fixed in r13681

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