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I'm new in Modelica.
I'm  trying to run the example "testGeom" , page 41 of the "OpenModelicaUsersGuide":

When loading the model in OMShell, it seems to be OK. Running the simulation gives the following result:

>> simulate(testGeom)
record SimulationResult
    resultFile = "Simulation failed.
Error: Class pltpkg.rect (its type)  not found in scope testGeom.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.
Error: No matching function found for pltpkg.rect
Error: Class pltpkg.rect not found in scope testGeom.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.$for loop scope$.
Error: Error occured while flattening model testGeom
end SimulationResult;

It seems that the package pltpkg is missing.
Some Help is welcome (:-current/wink

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