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MDT Eclipse Plugin - Unable to create new project

MDT Eclipse Plugin - Unable to create new project


I have followed the MDT guideline on installing MDT … ngMDT.pdf.
I.e. used Eclipse classic 3.5.1 and installed plugin using via eclipse option Help->Install New Software ...

My problem now is that when I select File -> New -> Modelica Project then I get a "Problem Occurred" dialog, telling me that "The selected wizard could not be started"
Details of the dialog contents are below:

The selected wizard could not be started.
  Plug-in org.modelica.mdt.ui was unable to load class org.modelica.mdt.ui.wizards.NewProjectWizard.
  An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.modelica.mdt.ui (198).

Hopefully someone can help me on what I am doing wrong. :-)


Re: MDT Eclipse Plugin - Unable to create new project


Hmm, are you on Linux? Then maybe this can help:
If you're on Windows then I recommend you re-install Eclipse or restart it.

MDT works also with Eclipse 4.2.1 you can try that one if 3.5.x does not work.

Adrian Pop/

Re: MDT Eclipse Plugin - Unable to create new project


I am on Windows 7 64bit.
I am running java 7 32bit, with Eclipse 3.5.1 32bit.

I will try out your suggestion of running eclipse 4.2.1.


Re: MDT Eclipse Plugin - Unable to create new project

Hi Adrian,

I have tried the following configurations successfully.
Java 7 32 bit, Eclipse 4.2.1 32bit  --> works
Java 7 64 bit, Eclipse 4.2.1 64bit --> works

The only install that did not work for me was the one described in MDT guideline i.e. the following configuration:
Java 7 32 bit, Eclipse 3.51 32bit --> Did not work for me

Maybe the guideline needs a configuration update.
Thanks for your help Adrian :-)

Best regards

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