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About PlanarMultiBody library

About PlanarMultiBody library

Hello all

I wanted to simulate a planar structure but I have failed to do it by hand from 1-D and from 3-D mechanical libraries.

Is there available a 2-D mechanical version?

I have seen information about a PlanarMultiBody library. However I have not seen their code.

Thank you

Re: About PlanarMultiBody library


You can get the PlanarMechanics library from here:

Adrian Pop/

Re: About PlanarMultiBody library

Hello Adrian

Thank you for your fast answer. PlanarMechanincs is better than I expected.

It runs just out of the box and is good for learning as an intermediate step between 1-D and 3-D.

It would be great if it could be released with OpenModelica library.

Best regards

Re: About PlanarMultiBody library


We'll talk with the author of the PlanarMechanics library to see if we can include it in OpenModelica for the next release.

Adrian Pop/

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