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How to setup OMPyton using 1.8.1 on OSX?

How to setup OMPyton using 1.8.1 on OSX?

I've installed the binary image for 1.8.1 on Mac OSX and I don't find a anywhere in the installed set of files. The User Documentation (13.3) suggests the file should be found at /opt/openmodelica/share/omc/script/PythonInterface but the PythonInterface dir doesn't exist.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Re: How to setup OMPyton using 1.8.1 on OSX?

That's easy to answer: the Portfile uses --disable-python-interface. Get it from subversion if you need it. It was probably disabled because it was annoying to try to build it on OSX.

Re: How to setup OMPyton using 1.8.1 on OSX?

(The good reason is: omniorb is built without python support by default in macports)

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