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Easy 2D Automotive Suspension help

Easy 2D Automotive Suspension help

I am trying to recreate a Simulink Model in Modelica to compare a few aspects of both, although I can make it work very well just by writing the code, but I also need to build a similar model with the Graphical...

The simulink model is the following: … suspn.html

Here is what I have up to now:

It shouldn't be that hard but I am having problems to model (i.e. what should I use) for example the distances to/and the Center of Gravity, and other aspects such as the bounce Z, Theta...

Can someone help me shed some light on the matter? Give me a couple of tipps on how to model this system and such?

Sorry I am still getting started with the Modelica and although it is straightforward to deal with just the equations and such I am having problems to model based on the available Libraries.


Edited by: fdiez - Sep-24-12 16:12:51
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