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Disable storing of variables at event

Disable storing of variables at event


dymola has a simulation setting called, "Store variables at events" which can be deselected. Is there a similar simulation option in OM?

The main reason I'm asking is that I want to compare simulation results from different tools. Also I've noticed that in some models the number of generated time points add up to about 300'000 (5000 communication points and the rest event points) resulting in huge .mat files and slow post-processing of simulation data.



Re: Disable storing of variables at event


We don't have such option. However I guess it won't be hard to implement as everything you need is in our SimulationRuntime/c code.
Also you could do this as a post-processing step to get rid of the extra points.
We also have an API to compare .mat files directly in OpenModelica. See any of the .mos scripts here: … ries/msl32

Adrian Pop/

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