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How can I plot this ODE ?
How can I plot this ODE ?
I have a nonlinear Differential Equation for an Orbit of a Satellite
Consider the problem of an orbit of satellite, whose position and velocity are obtained as the solution of the following state equation:
x'1(t) = x3(t)
x'2(t) = x4(t)
x'3(t) = -GMEx1(t) / (x21(t) + x22(t))3/2
x'4(t) = -GMEx2(t) / (x21(t) + x22(t))3/2
where G = 6.672 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2 is the gravitational constant, and ME = 6.97 x 1024 kg is the mass of the earth. Note (x1, x2) and (x3, x4) denote the position and velocity, respectively, of the satellite on the plane having the earth at its origin.
How can I plot them in openModelica? I have tried, but I can't plot them.
Thanks a lot.
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
Have you tried:
plotParametric(x1, x2)
The label of the x-axis is wrong in my example, it's written "time" but the values are ok.
I found this command in OpenModelicaUsersGuide.pdf on page 31. You can download this document from openmodelica.org under Home / User Documentation / Users Guide.
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
bboymq wrote:
I have a nonlinear Differential Equation for an Orbit of a Satellite
Consider the problem of an orbit of satellite, whose position and velocity are obtained as the solution of the following state equation:
x'1(t) = x3(t)
x'2(t) = x4(t)
x'3(t) = -GMEx1(t) / (x21(t) + x22(t))3/2
x'4(t) = -GMEx2(t) / (x21(t) + x22(t))3/2
where G = 6.672 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2 is the gravitational constant, and ME = 6.97 x 1024 kg is the mass of the earth. Note (x1, x2) and (x3, x4) denote the position and velocity, respectively, of the satellite on the plane having the earth at its origin.
How can I plot them in openModelica? I have tried, but I can't plot them.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Rolf, can you check my program
(x10,x20) = (4.223 × 107, 0)[m]and (x30,x40) = (v10,v20) =
(0, 3071)[m/s].
Here is the code in modelica
model A
constant Real G = 6.672e-11;
constant Real ME = 5.97e24;
Real x1(start = 4.223e7);
Real x2(start = 0);
Real x3(start = 0);
Real x4(start = 3071);
der(x1) = x3;
der(x2) = x4;
der(x3) = -G * ME * x1 / ((x1^2 + x2^2)^(3/2));
der(x4) = -G * ME * x2 / ((x1^2 + x2^2)^(3/2));
end A;
Is this program wrong?
Thanks a lot.
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
M_E should be 6.97e24, not 5.97e24, the rest of code seems to be ok.
I used x1(start = 6.37E06) and x4(start = 10.4E03)
and 20000 time steps. With these settings I get a perfect ellipse but the simulation takes some time (30s).
I guess that your start values should work too.
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
rolffankhauser wrote:
As you can see, you have simulated 1/4 from an ellipse. So you have to simulate 4 times longer or 5 times longer to be sure that you simulate more than 360 degrees.
Thanks Rolf, you can guide me concretely because I'm a beginner, How to simulate, I dont know how to simulate 4 times longer or more.
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
You used a command simulate(... stopTime = 100 ...) it seems. Simply change that to 400.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
Here is the code I used:
model orbit
Real x1(start = 6.37E06);
Real x2(start = 0.0);
Real x3(start = 0.0);
Real x4(start = 10.4E03);
parameter Real m_E = 6.97E24;
parameter Real G = 6.672E-11;
der(x1) = x3;
der(x2) = x4;
der(x3) = -G*m_E*x1/(x1^2 + x2^2)^1.5;
der(x4) = -G*m_E*x2/(x1^2 + x2^2)^1.5;
end orbit;
simulate(orbit, startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 20000.0)
plotParametric(x1, x2)
Re: How can I plot this ODE ?
Maybe you have chosen a height and velocity of the satellite which did not result in elliptical curve.
The total energy of the satellite is E = 0.5*m*v^2 - G*M*m/(R + h). It must be negativ for an elliptical curve.
So, velocity v < sqrt(G*M/(R + h)). But if you choose v too small the elliptical curve will lie inside the earth, that means the satellite will crash into the earth.
For example for h = 10 km you get v < 5330 m/s. If you choose v = 5000 m/s you will get an elliptical curve which is near a circle. You can see that if you plot x1 and x2 vs. time ( plot({x1, x2}) )
The theoretical value of the semimajor axis should be a = G*M (R + h) / (2*G*M - v^2*(R + h)) = 14.6 E06. Thus, the width of the ellipse is 29.2 E06 which is close to the value in the plot.
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