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Error in C code generation
Error in C code generation
When I try to translate my Modelica models in OpenModelica I got several times the following error message:
Translation 08:00:36 0:0-0:0 Error building simulator. Buildlog: gcc -O3 -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse -I"C:/OpenModelica1.8.1//include/omc" -I. -L"C:/OpenModelica/MetaModels/BeastModelicaPendulum/ModelicaShaft" -c -o PendulumTLM.o PendulumTLM.c
PendulumTLM.c: I funktion "eqFunction_245":
PendulumTLM.c:8555: fel: l-v�rde kr�vs som v�nstra operand i tilldelning
PendulumTLM.c:8566: fel: l-v�rde kr�vs som v�nstra operand i tilldelning
mingw32-make: *** [PendulumTLM.o] Error 1
First thing is that the compiler gives error messages in Swedish, which I have never ever seen before. Therefore here a translation of the error message:
PendulumTLM.c:8555: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
Looking at line 8555 in PendulumTLM.c I see the following:
0.0 = tmp2124.c1;
And, yes that is not C code.
Is this a common problem with OpenModelica? I got this several times. What can I do about it?
For your information: I use OpenModelica 1.8.1+ on a WindowsXP system.
Re: Error in C code generation
Would you mind sharing the code of the C-function and the lines of Modelica code that caused the error?
To me it looks your Modelica code might be:
0.0 = f(x);
And for some reason the backend does not realize it needs to solve this equation as a non-linear system, but I could be wrong...
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: Error in C code generation
OK, here is the code:
package TLM
function TLMSetMotion
input String name "Name of the interface";
input Real time_in "Simulation time";
input Real R[3] "Position vector - can be neglected (set {0,0,0}) if you do not use 3D modeling and verification";
input Real A[3,3] "Rotation matrix - can be neglected (set {1,0,0}{0,1,0}{0,0,1}) if you do not use 3D modeling and verification";
input Real v[3] "Velocity";
input Real w[3] "Angular velocity";
external "C" set_tlm_motion(name,time_in,R,A,v,w) annotation(Include = "#include<tlmforce.h>", Library = "tlmmodelica");
end TLMSetMotion;
function TLMGetDelay
input String name "Name of the interface";
output Real TLMdelay "The TLM delay for the secific interface";
external "C" get_tlm_parameters(name,TLMdelay) annotation(Include = "#include<tlmforce.h>", Library = "tlmmodelica");
end TLMGetDelay;
function TLMGetForce
input String name "Name of the interface";
input Real time_in "Simulation time";
input Real r[3] "Position Vector";
input Real A[3,3] "Rotation matrix";
input Real v[3] "Velocity";
input Real w[3] "Angular velocity";
output Real f[3] "Force vector";
output Real t[3] "Torque/moment vector";
external "C" calc_tlm_force(name,time_in,r,A,v,w,f,t) annotation(Include = "#include<tlmforce.h>", Library = "tlmmodelica");
end TLMGetForce;
model MBS_TLMInterface
annotation(Diagram(), Icon(graphics = {Rectangle(rotation = 0, lineColor = {0,0,255}, fillColor = {0,0,255}, pattern = LinePattern.Solid, fillPattern = FillPattern.HorizontalCylinder, lineThickness = 0.25, extent = {{-29.5484,42.5806},{96.9032,-45.8065}}),Text(rotation = 0, lineColor = {0,0,0}, fillColor = {0,0,255}, pattern = LinePattern.Solid, fillPattern = FillPattern.None, lineThickness = 0.25, extent = {{-6.32258,18.0645},{74.9677,-20.6452}}, textString = "TLM", fontSize = 28),Line(points = {{-63.2258,-2.58065},{-28.3871,-2.58065}}, rotation = 0, color = {0,0,255}, pattern = LinePattern.Solid, thickness = 5)}));
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Interfaces.Frame_a frame_a annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-67.9907,-3.03738}, extent = {{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-67.9907,-3.03738}, extent = {{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation = 0)));
parameter String interfaceName = "tlm";
Real v[3];
Real f[3];
Real t[3];
Real tlmDelay = 0.0;
Boolean initializedFlg = false;
Real lastSendTime(start = 0.0);
initial algorithm
if initializedFlg == false then
assert(tlmDelay > 0.0, "Bad TLM delay in" + interfaceName + ", give up");
end if;
v = der(frame_a.r_0);
frame_a.t = -t;
frame_a.f = -f;
(f,t):=TLMGetForce(interfaceName, time, frame_a.r_0, frame_a.R.T, v, frame_a.R.w);
when time >= lastSendTime + tlmDelay then
TLMSetMotion(interfaceName, time, frame_a.r_0, frame_a.R.T, v, frame_a.R.w);
end when;
end MBS_TLMInterface;
end TLM;
model PendulumTLM
extends Modelica.Icons.Example;
inner Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.World world(gravityType = Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Types.GravityTypes.UniformGravity, n = {-1,0,0}) annotation(Placement(transformation(extent = {{-60,0},{-40,20}}, rotation = 0)));
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Joints.Revolute rev(n = {0,1,0}, useAxisFlange = true, phi(fixed = true), w(fixed = true)) annotation(Placement(transformation(extent = {{-20,0},{0,20}}, rotation = 0)));
Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Components.Damper damper(d = 0.1) annotation(Placement(transformation(extent = {{-20,40},{0,60}}, rotation = 0)));
TLM.MBS_TLMInterface mbs_tlminterface1 annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {85.0467,10.7477}, extent = {{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation = 0)));
Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Parts.BodyBox bodybox1(r = {0,0,0.32}) annotation(Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {36.215,10.0467}, extent = {{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation = 0)));
connect(bodybox1.frame_b,mbs_tlminterface1.frame_a) annotation(Line(points = {{48.215,10.0467},{77.1028,10.0467},{77.1028,10.3832},{76.8878,10.3832}}));
connect(rev.frame_b,bodybox1.frame_a) annotation(Line(points = {{5.55112e-016,10},{25,10},{25,10.0467},{24.215,10.0467}}));
connect(world.frame_b,rev.frame_a) annotation(Line(points = {{-40,10},{-20,10}}, color = {95,95,95}, thickness = 0.5));
connect(damper.flange_b,rev.axis) annotation(Line(points = {{0,50},{4,50},{4,26},{-10,26},{-10,20}}, color = {0,0,0}));
connect(rev.support,damper.flange_a) annotation(Line(points = {{-16,20},{-16,26},{-28,26},{-28,50},{-20,50}}, color = {0,0,0}));
annotation(experiment(StopTime = 5), Diagram(coordinateSystem(preserveAspectRatio = true, extent = {{-100,-100},{100,100}}, grid = {2,2}), graphics), Documentation(info = "<html></html>"));
end PendulumTLM;
The external functions are part of some C-code that is too big to publish here. Besides does the problem occur before linking the code.
Re: Error in C code generation
Sorry, I forgot the C-function generated by the Modelica code before, here it is:
void eqFunction_245(DATA *data) {
TLM_TLMGetDelay_rettype tmp2124;
modelica_string tmp2125;
modelica_string tmp2126;
/*#modelicaLine [c:/OpenModelica/TLM.mo:74:9-74:45]*/
tmp2124 = _TLM_TLMGetDelay($Pmbs_tlminterface1$PinterfaceName);
0.0 = tmp2124.c1;
/*#modelicaLine [c:/OpenModelica/TLM.mo:75:5-75:77]*/
if (!(0)) {
tmp2125 = cat_modelica_string("Bad TLM delay in",$Pmbs_tlminterface1$PinterfaceName);
tmp2126 = cat_modelica_string(tmp2125,", give up");
FILE_INFO info = {"c:/OpenModelica/TLM.mo",75,5,75,77,0};
MODELICA_ASSERT(info, tmp2126);
/*#modelicaLine [c:/OpenModelica/TLM.mo:76:5-76:25]*/
(0) = (1);
Re: Error in C code generation
The total error can be reduced to the following:
model M
Real tlmDelay = 0.0;
initial algorithm
tlmDelay := 1.5;
end M;
I believe this is an erroneous model (the model is reduced to 0.0 := 1.5). The backend should detect this error and scream a bit.
I guess you want to give tlmDelay a default value and modify it slightly during initialization? I'm a bit unsure how you do this in a good way in Modelica. You probably simply want to make tlmDelay a parameter instead and avoid sources for error.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: Error in C code generation
OK, the following construct compiles at least:
parameter Real tlmDelay = 0.0;
initial algorithm
tlmDelay := TLM.TLMGetDelay(interfaceName);
assert(tlmDelay > 0.0, "Bad tlmDelay in " + interfaceName + ", give up.");
I'm just not sure if I can actually change the parameter value inside "initial algorithm"?! Is that possible?
Also, now the simulation crashes with the following message:
messages = "Simulation execution failed for model: PendulumTLM
throw | [line] 192 | [file] simulation/solver/events.c
| Could not allocate Memory for initSample!
Any ideas what's wrong here?
Re: Error in C code generation
Just for the record, here is the code that actually works:
parameter Real tlmDelay = TLMGetDelay(interfaceName);
initial algorithm
assert(tlmDelay > 0.0, "Bad tlmDelay in " + interfaceName + ", give up.");
I didn't realize that one can call a function in parameter initialization.
Thanks for the support.
Re: Error in C code generation
Yes, there was a problem in the try above since tlmDelay was set in 2 places. It would probably have worked if tlmDelay = 0.0 was not set (or used start = 0.0 instead). The code below is of course the nicest Glad to see it worked.
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: Error in C code generation
I generate C code associated to a MODELICA file nammed for instance "test.mo" with a shell sccript with the simCodeTarget option
#... Executables
options="+noSimplify +showErrorMessages +d=failtrace +d=disableSingleFlowEq +g=Modelica +d=initialization +d=debugAlias +d=checkSimplify"
$exeCompil $options $options2 +simCodeTarget=C +s "test.mo"
Best regards
Re: Error in C code generation
It give you only a part of code belonging to a shell script
You must include it in ,for instance, lance_omc.sh,
#set -x
if [ ! -f ${test} ]; then
echo "%% Error : le fichier de donnees \"$test\" n'existe pas."
BIN_OPENMODELICA=$INSTALL_OPENMODELICA/bin <= Put the place where omc is installed
Best regards
Re: Error in C code generation
It give you only a part of code belonging to a shell script
You must include it in ,for instance, lance_omc.sh,
#set -x
if [ ! -f ${test} ]; then
echo "%% Error : le fichier de donnees \"$test\" n'existe pas."
BIN_OPENMODELICA=$INSTALL_OPENMODELICA/bin <= Put the place where omc is installed
Best regards
Re: Error in C code generation
It give you only a part of code belonging to a shell script
You must include it in ,for instance, lance_omc.sh,
#set -x
if [ ! -f ${test} ]; then
echo "%% Error : le fichier de donnees \"$test\" n'existe pas."
BIN_OPENMODELICA=$INSTALL_OPENMODELICA/bin <= Put the place where omc is installed
Best regards
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