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How to get the number of variables after the symbolic manipulation?

How to get the number of variables after the symbolic manipulation?

As understand this, the OpenModelica compiler performs symbolic manipulation during the generation of the code.

How can I get the number of variables / equations of the model after this transformation?

What flags should I pass to compiler in OMEdit so that my model is reasonably well reduced?

I tried


but I cannot interpret the results.

Many thanks!

Re: How to get the number of variables after the symbolic manipulation?


use +d=dumpindxdae, this dumps the system right before code generation. There you see first all time depend variables then all time depend equations, then all time independent variables, then all alias variables. In case of a model with independent subsystems the time depend variables and equations dumped for each system before the time independent variables.

Another option is to use +d=backenddaeinfo. There you see the number of time depend variables and equations and number of the linear/nonlinear subsystem.
If you use additional the stateselection flag (+d=backenddaeinfo,stateselection) the selected states also dumped.

Re: How to get the number of variables after the symbolic manipulation?

I will try it, thanks for the advice.

For some reason I did not get a notification in e-mail (or accidentaly deleted with the junk mail).

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