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Simulation instability (OMEdit) & stability (manual compilation)

Simulation instability (OMEdit) & stability (manual compilation)

Simulation in OMEdit of a closed-loop multibody system with dopri5 integration routine is numerically unstable (i.e. doesn't converge) and blows up after a certain time. However,  using "omc +s <modelica files>" with exactly the same model (followed by "make -f <model>.makefile" ) from the Linux console (with dopri5 specified in the _init.xml file) shows a perfectly stable simulation. Confusing, isn't it...?! What could be different?

-- Henk

Edited by: henk - May-10-12 22:35:20

Re: Simulation instability (OMEdit) & stability (manual compilation)

The default solver is dassl; not dopri5. I forget what application dopri5 is good for, but I guess it's not closed-loop multibody...

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