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MIMO (multibody) question

MIMO (multibody) question

MIMO is the base (partial) class for general m-input to n-output mappings. I want to connect the output of an AbsoluteSensor to a specialized MIMO block (specialized by inheritance to operate on vector input u, i.e. y=f(u)). Trying to connect the sensor output to the MIMO imput the dialogue asks me to specify the integer i so that "r[i] is connected to u"; I had expected a dialogue to specify integers (i,j) so that "r[i] is connected to u[j]". Thus, I concluded the r[i] must be assembled first into a vector that matches the size of u by using a Blocks.Routing.Muliplex class. Having done so, also this doesn't work... Any idea how to make the connection described? Thanks.

-- Henk

Edited by: henk - May-02-12 18:38:16

Re: MIMO (multibody) question

Did u change the parameter of MIMO? There is a parameter for number of input arguments and output arguments. I don't see the problem you described above. u also comes with a index when you do the connection.

Re: MIMO (multibody) question

yzh89 wrote:

Did u change the parameter of MIMO? There is a parameter for number of input arguments and output arguments. I don't see the problem you described above. u also comes with a index when you do the connection.

That's true when instantiating the pure MIMO Interface. When instantiating implementations of the MIMO interface (e.g. Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.StateSpace) then the dialogue asking for the j-index (i.e. which input u[j] must be connected to) disappears... So the mystery remains...

-- Henk

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