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MICO no longer an option?

MICO no longer an option?

I'm compiling the trunk, using a configure option of "--with-MICO=/local/where-mico-is-installed".  However, when it gets down to OMPythonIDL, it tries to run omniidl:



(time make -C PythonInterface -f Makefile)
omniidl -bpython -Wbglobal=_OMCIDL -Wbpackage=OMPythonIDL ..//Compiler/runtime/omc_communication.idl
make[1]: omniidl: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [OMPythonIDL/] Error 1

Re: MICO no longer an option?

It is possible with --disable-python-interface. I'll see if I can make it disabled by default if no CORBA implementation was given

Re: MICO no longer an option?

Note that I do have a CORBA implementation, MICO.  But MICO only works for C++.

Re: MICO no longer an option?

Yes, so you cannot compile the python interface

Re: MICO no longer an option?

Right :-).  OK, I'll just add "--disable-python-interface".

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