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Message from OMEdit: Template error: literalExpConst failed

Message from OMEdit: Template error: literalExpConst failed

Hello again,

besides my last problem, which after all was easy to handle (avoid German "Umlaut" !), the following error message of OMEdit is a mystery for me: 

Translation    16:48:36    CodegenC.tpl    6799:14-6799:14    Template error: literalExpConst failed: {}

I assume, it might have something to do with the complexity of the model. For confirming of this assumption I took out two function calls, computed the needed results from the functions separately in OMNotebook (same functions, no error messages), and put in the results in the model. After this simplification, it simulated.
Might be there another source of failure I didn't see?


Re: Message from OMEdit: Template error: literalExpConst failed

I'll see if I can reproduce it

Re: Message from OMEdit: Template error: literalExpConst failed

Of course I generate an empty array and it seems to work just fine. I think I would need the code of the functions you removed to see what's wrong.

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