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Setting simulation time?

Setting simulation time?

In  some cases, the actual simulation time is not consistant with my setting simulation time ,and the actual is so small.  Can somebody tell me why?thank you!

Re: Setting simulation time?

How do you mean? You simulate from 0.0 to 1.0 but get results from 0.0 to 0.999997?

Re: Setting simulation time?

no,for example,I simulate from 0 to 1 ,but the   actual  time is just 0.012s,

Re: Setting simulation time?

The executable should output some diagnostics saying a non-linear system could not be solved, or some assertion was triggered, or the numerical solver failed to solve the system, etc, etc.

Re: Setting simulation time?

so I want to know where I can find the diagnostics.Thank you !

Re: Setting simulation time?

my error message(in OMshell) is as follows :

warning | Error solving nonlinear system SES_ALGORITHM 0 at time 0.0159813
info         | model terminate | Simulation terminated at time 0.014
but i can not understand what "SES_ALGORITHM "means. and then I should do what to solve the problem.

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