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an error when using the OMShell

an error when using the OMShell

I'm using the OMShell with scripts for simulate, but having an error as followed:
messages = "warning | Error solving nonlinear system SES_ALGORITHM 0 at time 43.3615
infor | model terminate | simulation terminated at time 43.2238
I don't know why had this error

Re: an error when using the OMShell

It means the solver is trying to solve a non-linear system of equations but cannot find the solution.

Try these examples and you should realize why this happens. Sadly, the error-message is quite bad and does not provide all the information you need (it points to wrong equation-system)



model M
  Real x,y;
  x = sin(y);
  y = cos(x);
end M;
model M
  Real x,y;
  x*time = sin(y);
  y = cos(x);
end M;

Re: an error when using the OMShell

Thank you for your reply. I had simulated these examples and has known that the first one had no start value, thus not calulated a solution. I'm trying to find out some error equation like that. Thank you very much.

Re: an error when using the OMShell

You can try to use simulate(... , measureTime=true). It should at least list all non-linear systems and the variables that are part of them (if you did not find this out already).

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