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Failed to elaborate expression
Failed to elaborate expression
Hi all,
I wrote a function and I have this error, "Failed to elaborate expression: bFunc / sum(bFunc)". If you notice my mistake, could you let me know please. Thanks. The function is:
function basisFunction
input Real x[2,1];
output Real bPen[sn*sn];
protected Integer sn:=5 "The number of the points in each axis";
Real c[2,1];
Real bFunc[sn*sn];
Real theta_r[sn]:=linspace(-0.02,0.02,sn) "Generates sn values for position";
Real theta_p[sn]:=linspace(-0.1,0.1,sn) "Generates sn values for velocity";
Real s[1,2]:=[(theta_r[2]-theta_r[1])/1.7, (theta_p[2]-theta_p[1])/1.7] "Determine the size of the basis function";
// Calculate the basis function response
for i in 1:size(theta_r,1) loop
for j in 1:size(theta_p,1) loop
c:=[theta_r[i]; theta_p[j]] "Centre of each basis";
end for;
end for;
end basisFunction;
Re: Failed to elaborate expression
I can't see anything obviously wrong with your function, so this is most likely a bug in the compiler. I tried your model myself with the latest development version, but got another error instead. I'll investigate this further tomorrow and get back to you with my findings. Which version of OpenModelica are you using, and how do you call the function?
- perost
- 114 Posts
Re: Failed to elaborate expression
Thanks for your help. I am using version 1.8.1, I think this is the latest version. I call the function "basisFunction([0.01; 0.1])". Actually, I am trying to generate a Modelica Custom Component to use in MapleSim, but I just wanted to test the function in Modelica before. Maybe this might work if I write this there. I will try and let you know if this works there.
Again thanks for your help
Re: Failed to elaborate expression
Hi again,
You say that you're using 1.8.1, but are you perhaps referring to the 1.8.1 beta? We actually released 1.8.1 yesterday, so you could try that version if you're not already using it. I fixed some issues with the sum operator between the 1.8.1 beta and the full 1.8.1 release that I think fixes your particular issues. You will run into other issues related to scalar exponents on arrays, but I'm looking into fixing those right now.
- perost
- 114 Posts
Re: Failed to elaborate expression
We had some issues with scalar operations on matrices. I've fixed those now, and your function now works as it should for me. I assume your using Windows, so I'll see if I can get a new nightly build up for you.
- perost
- 114 Posts
Re: Failed to elaborate expression
Thanks for your help Perost. I am trying to generate a Modelica Custom Component for MapleSim. Do you think when you sorth this problem out, I will be able to run this in MapleSim? I returned this as a "model" rather than "function" as below;
model basisFunction
extends Maplesoft.Icons.CustomComponent;
parameter Real x[2,1] "The input from multibody system";
Real bPen[sn*sn] "The normalized output for the basis function";
Integer sn=5 "The number of samples in each axist";
Real c[2,1] "Centre of each basis";
Real bFunc[sn*sn] "The basis function";
Real theta_r=linspace(-0.02,0.02,sn) "Generates sn values for position";
Real theta_p=linspace(-0.1,0.1,sn) "Generates sn values for velocity";
Real s[1,2]=[(theta_r[2]-theta_r[1])/1.7, (theta_p[2]-theta_p[1])/1.7];
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput x[2,1] annotation (Placement(transformation(
extent = {
{-110, 32},
{-90, 52}},
rotation = 0)));
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput bPen[sn*sn] annotation (Placement(transformation(
extent = {
{-110, -51},
{-90, -31}},
rotation = 0)));
for i in 1:size(theta_r,1) loop
for j in 1:size(theta_p,1) loop
c=[theta_r[i]; theta_p[j]];
end for;
end for;
annotation (uses(Modelica(version = "3.1")));
end basisFunction;
This has not worked. Can you see any clear mistake here?
Thanks again...
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