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General question on acceptability of MOdelica

General question on acceptability of MOdelica

I have noticed that Modelica has found more acceptability in European countries than North American countries. Look at the member list on Modelica Association. Does anyone has an opinion on why it is so?

Re: General question on acceptability of MOdelica

Well it originates from Europe of course and it seems that it only very slowly spreads around. In Holland for example, at least at my university the TUDelft they still don't teach it (Although there were plans.). So still questionable if Modelica will really break through and become the new standard altough I think it should.

Re: General question on acceptability of MOdelica

Well it has to fight it out with a large user base of Matlab and even in Europe againts the French INRIA's Scilab, Scicos and also with R, Octave and a real great experience in the user's interface without the hiccups of model incompatibilities between version like what 1.8.1 flags on Modelica 3.0 and Modelica 3.1 version calls? I can't figure out why it has no horizontal slider to move the image into the center even? This is my opinion of it. In ASIA its practically unheard off compared with the software I mentioned above - well call it straight talk but its true. Maybe the developers need to listen to real users?

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