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Some issues with Compile.bat

Some issues with Compile.bat

this topic is intended to summarize all proposed changes to OpenModelica1.8.1\share\omc\scripts\Compile.bat as it keeps being discovered. hopefully these changes will be incorporated in the next release of openmodelica!

"gcc not recognized"
see original posting at … pic?id=437

change the following line
   set MINGW=%MINGW:/=\%

ModelicaML 1.8.6 does nothing when asked to "Simulate with OMC"
change the following line
   set CURRENT_DIR="%CD%">%1.log 2>&1
   set CURRENT_DIR=%CD%>%1.log 2>&1

Edited by: adriaanph - Mar-11-12 02:25:27

Re: Some issues with Compile.bat

We know about issues with Compile.bat. If you're using 1.8.0 you should upgrade to a latest nightly build which has this fixed: … ly-builds/

Adrian Pop/

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