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Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
Dear all,
I'm running into problems when trying to import (load) FMUs into OM. I get the error message "Could not open file /fmuImport.log."
I've tried to import FMUs generated from OM, Dymola, JM and FMU-SDK. I get the same error in all cases.
(I use r11033, on windows 7 64bit)
PS. I posted a similar post under the development thread, it suites better here though. My bad.
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
You should try 1.8.0 release as in the nightly builds we have some FMI issues which will take a while to fix.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
Ok, how do you import the FMU?
We do tests from command line via mos scripts, i.e. BouncingBall.mos
importFMU("BouncingBall.fmu"); getErrorString();
loadFile("BouncingBallFMUImport.mo"); getErrorString();
simulate(FMUImport_BouncingBall.FMUBlock); getErrorString();
then run omc BouncingBall.mos
See more tests here:
https://openmodelica.ida.liu.se/svn/Ope … tsuite/fmi
user: anonymous
pass: none <-- write none here.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
It works now, thanks!
I used the GUI-before, I'm new to OpenModelica and just assumed that this wouldn't imply any unexpected issues.
I was pleased to see that the FMU-import works even without a .lib file included. (Currently this is a demand when importing FMUs in Dymola).
Does there exist any document about the FMI-status for OM? Is it e.g., possible to connect different FMU's together?, can OM handle state-events? etc.
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
the FMU-import does also work in the GUI. The only thing is that you HAVE to provide an extract folder even though it says "optional". I might be a good thing to either make it optional or just to remove that false information.
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
Hi Patrik,
Thanks for pointing out the problem. I have fixed it now in r11411.
If you don't specify the extract folder then the files are extracted in the current working directory of OpenModelica.
- adeas
- 454 Posts
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
I'm using the nightly builds of OpenModelica on Ubuntu Linux 12.10 and I got an error message while importing a co-simulation FMU. The automatically generated .mo file has a syntax error:
Syntax 14:29:37 /tmp/OpenModelica/OMEdit/spring_cs_st_FMU.mo 86:11-185:19 Parse error: The identifier at start and end are different
Looking into this .mo-file, it seems like a package declaration begins with "package fmiFunctions" and ends with "end fmi1Functions;". Removing the character "1" from the latter fixes it.
I'll be working some more with co-simulation FMUs in the near future, I'll get back to you if I find more bugs.
Re: Importing FMUs -> Error msg.
Hi Stefan,
Thank you for reporting this, I've fixed it in revision 15242. If you find any more issues, please submit tickets to our bug tracker: https://trac.openmodelica.org/OpenModelica .
- perost
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- » Importing FMUs -> Error msg.