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missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
I noticed that the code to handle MathML tags is missing the emit of a close tag. Here's a patch.
Index: Compiler/BackEnd/XMLDump.mo
--- Compiler/BackEnd/XMLDump.mo (revision 11031)
+++ Compiler/BackEnd/XMLDump.mo (working copy)
@@ -1700,6 +1700,7 @@
+ dumpStrCloseTag(MathMLIfClause);
then ();
case (DAE.CALL(path = Absyn.IDENT(name = "der"),expLst = args))
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
Thank you for the patch, I have applied it to our trunk in revision 11042.
- perost
- 114 Posts
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
All the opening XML tags in the _init.xml files are missing their closing bracket, too, like the "ScalarVariable" tag in this snippet:
name = "pendel2.x0"
valueReference = "1026"
description = "x-Position des Lagers in m"
Latest Release version, 1.8.1
That's not supposed to be missing, is it? Same cause as the issue mentioned in the initial post?
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
I don't have any missing end tags for elements in _init.xml. Everything is properly closed.
How do you get this? Do you have a model?
name = "y"
valueReference = "1000"
variability = "continuous" isDiscrete = "false"
causality = "internal"
alias = "noAlias"
classIndex = "0" classType = "rSta"
fileName = "ArrayEqn.mo" startLine = "16" startColumn = "3" endLine = "16" endColumn = "23" fileWritable = "true">
<Real start="1.0" fixed="true" />
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
Hi Adrpo,
But the code you posted has the same thing. Isn't the "Scalarvariable" opening tag supposed to have < in front and > at the end? Or am I wrong about what XML is supposed to look like?
As in:
name = "y"
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
No, name, etc are attributes of the tag.
<tagName attr=value>
- sjoelund.se
- 1700 Posts
Re: missing close tag in Compiler/Backend/DumpXML.mo
But it does, after all the attributes, before = "true" >.
Adrian Pop/
- adrpo
- 885 Posts
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