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Plotting fails in OMEdit with Linux

Plotting fails in OMEdit with Linux

Hello OM Community,

i didnt use OM for a while but now a experience problems viewing results with OMEdit in Linux.
I am using Ubuntu Lucid and Debian Squeeze.

It works fine with the windows version.

Does anybody have an idea what may be wrong there?


Re: Plotting fails in OMEdit with Linux


Can you explain more about the problem? Does the simulation fails? Or you are not able to plot variables? Or you get an empty Plot window? We need more information.


Re: Plotting fails in OMEdit with Linux

Sorry, I was wrong. Plotting works still fine if the simulation terminates successfully.

I tried to simulate the the model "Electrical.Analog.ShowSaturatingInductor" with OMShell again. It terminates saying:
"Simulation terminated while the initialization. Could not find suitable initial values."
I remember this worked some time before.

It would be helpful if OMEdit would display at least the same message that you can see in OMShell.


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