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OMEdit Interactive simulation crashes & debugging does not work

OMEdit Interactive simulation crashes & debugging does not work

On Linux, revision 10468, OMEdit correctly builds. However, the interactive simulation crashes after the following steps:

    load model
    click "Interactive Simulation"
    select variables to plot
    click "Initialize"

I can't get the debugging from QtCreator to work - I changed the qmake options in the project settings to build both a Release and Debug executable. However, when clicking "Start debug" the following error is shown in the application output console (within QtCreator):

&"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Invalid argument\n"

Could you help me getting debugging to work, and is the segfaulting interactive simulation a known bug?

Edited by: hansmbakker - Dec-08-11 19:24:19

Re: OMEdit Interactive simulation crashes & debugging does not work

This crash also occurs in the Windows version (nightly build of 19 November).

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