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Problem using the OMOptim application

Problem using the OMOptim application

I would like to use the OMOptim under Windows 7 OS but I have some issues with it!
I checked how this program works and I see that OMOptim creates a lot of MyModel.exe processes.
It seems like if OMOptim executes the "MyModel.exe -f MyModel_init.txt" command but it doesn't wait the application has ended (using the waitFor() Java instruction).

How may I solve this problem ?


Re: Problem using the OMOptim application


"MyModel.exe -f MyModel_init.txt" is wrong. AFAIK this file not generated any more, instead an xml file is generated but with the same name. Create a bug report for it.
Using WaitFor() is not recommended because it normally hangs the interface (but thats just an implementation issue).


Re: Problem using the OMOptim application

Thanks for your reply.
I indeed saw that the txt file has been replaced with the xml file since the 1.8 version regarding the FMI interface, but I still use the 1.7 version.

Re: Problem using the OMOptim application

Then you need to get an older OMOptim version (earlier than r9222)

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