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Is there a list of MSL models that we wish to see working in OM?

Is there a list of MSL models that we wish to see working in OM?

Is there, somewhere, any list of Modelica Standard Library examples that are not working in OM and users would gladly see functioning?
If so I have one such example:
the model     Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.rectifier
does not run with OM 1.8 beta. After some thinking OMEdit says:

---- Error 1 : 09:48:04 ----
Unable to simulate the Model 'Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.Rectifier'
Following Error has occurred.

Simulation execution failed for model: Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Examples.Rectifier
info    | Initialization of the current initial set of equations and initial guesses fails!
        | Try with better Initial guesses for the states.
Error in initialization. Storing results and exiting.

I don't feel like tampering with initial guesses, since that same model works immediately
in Dymola, and therefore the real issue probably is not actually there.

In case this model is made working, probably many more circuits wilth power electronics will work as well, and this would enlarge a lot the fields of effective usage of OM.

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