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OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion


anybody working on this feature? Ie. provide a tree view of the components of the selected model. i.e. See the instances contained in the model


Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

This feature is available in both MDT and OMEdit, in MDT its called component browser and in OMEdit its called Model Browser.


Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

you're correct. Was this added recently unless I always missed it for some reason.

Ok, I just looked at it. Can't really see parameter values,  description, etc.
I wanted a way to navigate the parameter values and change them


Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

What happened to that feature? In OMEdit v1.14.1 there is no Model Browser, only Library Browser.

Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

It was not implemented correctly and was buggy as well. A proper better implementation is planned for 2.0 release.


Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion

So the current way to go about creating and managing a new model, is to do so in the library browser?

Re: OpenModelica Component browser - tree fashion



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