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Error - Scalar system is always singular x=0 - Failed to start model

Error - Scalar system is always singular x=0 - Failed to start model

I am trying to run a closed loop in Dymola and I get this error
Error - Scalar system is always singular (for x=0) - Failed to start model
for the parameter that is involved in most equations in this closed loop.

So far I have tried

Real x(start=700);
Real (fixed=true, start=700);

It gives the same error as above.

2.  mf_Water_CHP_In is X actually
initial algorithm
//mf_Water_CHP_In := 700;

initial equation

Then I get this error
The initialization problem is overspecified for variables of element type Real.
The initial equation
mf_Water_CHP_In = 700;
refers to variables, which all are known.
To correct it you can remove this equation

After searching all related results to the issues that I get, I couldnt find any other idea
how to "initialize" / start the model.

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks

Edited by: milanisimus - Mar-30-22 12:14:58
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