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beginner question: OMShell error messages

beginner question: OMShell error messages

I installed the drmodelica and openmodelica packages from Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze)  (core-2.0-amd64)

When I try to start OMShell there appear four windows with the folloiwng messages:

basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

Was unable to start OMC, therefore OMShell will not work correctly.

Could not find environment variable OPENMODELICAHOME, command completion will not work

Could not open file: /share/omshell/commands.xml
Could not create command completion class!


(There is a file /usr/share/omshell/commands.xml)

I suppose, that I have to edit some configuratin files - which?


Edited by: fht - Jul-16-11 12:40:04
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