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Batch file for running multiple version of OpenModelica

Batch file for running multiple version of OpenModelica

Hi there,

I'm running different versions of OMEdit (1.9.7, 1.17.0, 1.18.0) and I've made a batch script to replace the "omedit.ini" file before launching OMEdit, so each version of the program has the correct ini file. In that batch script I also set the corresponding environmental variables.

This works well, but I doesn't allow me to launch two version of OMEdit at the same time.

Here is the batch file for OMEdit 1.8.0 (OMEdit1.18.0.bat):


REM Set OpenModelica environmental variables:
set OPENMODELICAHOME=C:\OpenModelica1.18.0-64bit
set OPENMODELICALIBRARY=C:\OpenModelica1.18.0-64bit\lib\omlibrary

REM Name of OpenModelica init file:

REM Folder where OpenModelica init file is located:
SET INITFILE_DIR=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\openmodelica\

REM Folder of this batch script (need this to avoid problems when calling this batch file from a Shortcut file):
SET THIS_BATCHFILE_DIR=c:\Users\ferrucci\OneDrive\workspace\modelica\launch_openmodelica_multiple_versions\1.18.0\

REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------

REM Remove existing init file:

REM Copy local init file to target folder (INITFILE_DIR):

REM Open OpenModelica:
echo "OMEdit closed"

REM Backup init file (in case it was modified while using OpenModelica):

REM Pause so the user needs to press any key:

Hope this helps to someone !!!

Re: Batch file for running multiple version of OpenModelica

I think you can also set %APPDATA% to a different directory for each of the versions so that you don't need to copy the omedit.ini.

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