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Error test failures

Error test failures

Hi everybody,

I got this error message in my simulation:

DDASSL had repeated error test failures on the last attempted step.
can't continue. time = 3.047013
model terminate | Integrator failed. | Simulation terminated at time 3.04701
DASKR--  AT T (=R1) AND STEPSIZE H (=R2) THE                                   
      In above,  R1 =   3.0470130810555E+00   R2 =   2.0073365081409E-15

Unfortunately, the model is way too large to show it here, but I'll try to explain:
I used and modified the VehicleInterfaces and EMOTH libraries to create a model of a vehicle with two powered axles. It seems now that whenever I put a larger torque on both of the axles, they seem to interfere with each other and create this error massage.

Is there any common workaround for this issue? I've already tried to modify the solver tolerance and also the controller parametres.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the rather unspecific question.

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