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Error: vairable not found in scope ?
Error: vairable not found in scope ?
with the following piece of code (see below), OpenModelica throw out an error : «tu.mo:22:3-22:71:writable] Error: Variable i.value not found in scope oo. »
It is not clear to me why such an error for line of definition of variable «bool». Did I miss some rules in the modelica langage that prohibits such declaration ?
I'm using OpenModelica v1.17.0 / OMSimulator v2.0.0.post284-gc8ec782-mingw.
For reference, the piece of code below checks, compiles and runs under Dymola 2021.
package test
//simple enumeration
type t = enumeration( a, b, c, d);
//simple record that contain an enumeration
record rec
parameter t value = t.a;
end rec;
// model
model oo
// fill 2 records
rec r1(value=t.a);
rec r2(value=t.b);
//define vector of records
parameter rec alpha[2]={r1, r2};
parameter t check=t.b ;
// define vector «bool» which contains 1 or 0 depending on «check» value and content of vector «alpha»
Integer[size(alpha,1)] bool={(if i.value == check then 1 else 0) for i in alpha};
end oo;
end test;
Re: Error: vairable not found in scope ?
I found a workaround, but still remains the issue.
workaround is:
Integer bool[size(alpha,1)] ={(if alpha[i].value ==check then 1 else 0) for i in 1:size(alpha,1)} ;
Still, anyone has clue on what is wrong in the first piece of code below ?
Integer[size(alpha,1)] bool={(if i.value == check then 1 else 0) for i in alpha};
Re: Error: vairable not found in scope ?
This seems like a bug in the compiler, the model is valid as far as I can see. I opened a ticket for it, see #7767.
(Sorry for the late reply, I've been on vacation. It might be a while until I have time to look at this issue.)
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