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Exporting FMUs for Co-Simulation providing Directional Derivatives

Exporting FMUs for Co-Simulation providing Directional Derivatives

Hi all,

I would like to know if there is a possibility to export FMUs providing directional derivatives, and if possible, how can I enable this option when exporting an FMU.


Re: Exporting FMUs for Co-Simulation providing Directional Derivatives

I thought this was enabled by default in our 2.0 FMUs. Do you have some example that it doesn't work for?

Re: Exporting FMUs for Co-Simulation providing Directional Derivatives


I am interested in this too.
So far, I have been able to get directional derivatives only in Model Exchange mode with the fmiFlags '-d=newInst,-disableDirectionalDerivatives'.  For the co-simulation model, however, the directional derivatives are not available. Is it really how it is supposed to be?

I'd really appreciate some help on this too.

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