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Delay and Difference of two out-of-phase signals

Delay and Difference of two out-of-phase signals


I am trying to gain the difference between two consecutive samples in two signals which are out-of-phase with one another. However, the exact time points where the difference needs to be taken is unknown via equations or on paper. But if I try to look at these two signals graphically, I see these signals as a series of impulse signals which are out-of-phase with each other with zeros in between two consecutive impulse points. I need the difference of these consecutive impulse points. I have tried using delay function but it has been of no avail since I am unable to see the result I need. What would be the suggested approach for such a problem? If it were a programming language like MATLAB, I would've normally removed the zeros from both the signals, and simply subtracted the lower value signal from the higher value signal. How should I do the same in OpenModelica?

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