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I have created a model of a robot arm in Maplesim however when I use it in python using pyfmi two of the joints. Joint 2 and 5 have switched directions.

This is a relay strange one as I can run the model in Maplesim and the joints are in the correct direction but when preforming the same test in python using pyfmi, the two mentions joints have changed directions.

I am trying to simulate a robot arm in pyfmi using a FMU created in maplesim. The simulation is in real time with inputs and outputs that are changed each cycle. To do this have I taken a lott of inspiration from the fmi example bouncing_ball_native that comes with the pyfmi package. As for the FMU that I am generating from the Maplesim model am I using a FMI version 2.0 type ME.

Have any of you experienced and knowledgeable people ever experienced something like this and could know what is wrong?
With the greatest of thanks Eric

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