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Model Exchange FMU fails to Enter Event Mode

Model Exchange FMU fails to Enter Event Mode

I could not find anything related to this exception. Can someone help me ?


from pyfmi import load_fmu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as N

# Simulation parameters:

dt = 0.0001 
tf = 15 
ts = 0 

generate_plot = False

# Load model
mod = load_fmu(model, log_level=4) # default setting is 2
mod.set_max_log_size(2073741824) # = 2*1024^3 (about 2GB)

# Get Continuous States and nominal values
x = mod.continuous_states
x_nominal = mod.nominal_continuous_states

mod.setup_experiment(start_time = ts) # Set the start time to ts

eInfo = mod.get_event_info()
eInfo.newDiscreteStatesNeeded = True

#Event iteration
while eInfo.newDiscreteStatesNeeded == True:
  eInfo = mod.get_event_info()



  File "src/pyfmi/fmi.pyx", line 7512, in pyfmi.fmi.FMUModelME2.enter_event_mode
pyfmi.fmi.FMUException: Failed to enter event mode.

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