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Engineering Modeling Problem

Engineering Modeling Problem

Hello all,

I am extremely novice to OpenModelica and am attempting to simulate the pressure and temperature of airflow starting from a compressed tank of air through a network of pipes with heat addition. I am wondering how to go about modeling this system in OpenModelica (i.e. what type of block for a bottle of compressed air, how to control the valve, etc.)

Rough Outline of Flow:
1.) Pressurized tank of air - given volume, pressure, and temperature
2.) Static Pipe - given diameter and length
3.) Compressible control valve - the valve opens after 10 seconds
4.) Dynamic Pipe with large diameter- where heat will be added
5.) Dynamic Pipe with small diameter - port b will be open to environment

I will be placing pressure and temperature sensors on both ports of the Dynamic Pipe to measure the P and T before and after heat addition.

I am really looking for any advice on how to go about modeling this.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Edited by: SilverArrow - Dec-10-20 19:43:54

Re: Engineering Modeling Problem


In the MSL you have some examples and pipes components in the Fluid library. Also, there is the ThermoPower library, where there are lots of components and example models (tanks, heat sources, dynamic pipes ...)

Perhaps you could create your own blocks with the equations and dynamics of each element (Tank, static pipe...) and afterwards connect them. For instance, for the control valve, you could give a step signal to the block at 10s.

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