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modelica simulation problem

modelica simulation problem

Hi, there's my problem
I've installed openmodelica 1.7 r8711 in the default folder, opened OMEdit.exe created a simple RL ciruit and started the simulation, this was the result

Unable to simulate the Model 'test'
Following Error has occurred.

Simulation failed for model: test
Error: Error building simulator. Buildlog: The syntax of the command is incorrect.
g++ -I. -o test.exe test.cpp    -lsim -linteractive  -I\"C:/OpenModelica1.7.0//include/omc\" -O3 -falign-functions -msse2 -mfpmath=sse   -lsendData -lQtNetwork-mingw -lQtCore-mingw -lQtGui-mingw -luuid -lole32 -lws2_32 -L\"C:/OpenModelica1.7.0//lib/omc\" -lc_runtime -lregex -Wl,-Bstatic -lf2c -Wl,-Bdynamic test_records.c
\\MinGW\\bin\\mingw32-make: *** [test] Error 1

then i tried other versions of Openmodelica e also attempted to simulate the pre-made examples in the library but with similar results.
I use windows 7 64bit.

best regards


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